
What Members Say



“The first time I tried CrossFit I didn’t really like it because I wasn’t a fan of the Programming. But working out with Jess’ programming is the best.  I’ve been able to add weight to all my lifts and gain over ten pounds of muscle. I’m excited to continue setting and meeting goals.”



"WestLA Athletics has become my second home in Los Angeles and definitely worth the daily drive from Venice to Santa Monica. Love our community, and I'm confident we have the best programming and nicest gym facility in the LA area. All of the coaches are skilled, friendly and encouraging. Everyone I've talked to at the gym has gained so much strength since joining. It's a great place to reach your full potential as an athlete or just get in bikini shape for the summer. I also enjoy that you get a lot for your money with all the different types of classes offered. Grateful for WestLA Athletics."



“The virtual classes help me to stay as fit as possible and clear my head, making me more productive and happy throughout the day. On top of being in great shape and more productive, it is also a lot of fun! West LA Athletics has also given me the opportunity to develop long lasting relationships.”



"There is a solidarity in suffering through Jessica’s West LA Athletics classes. We sweat together, commiserate happily with (and compete against) each other, and celebrate each other’s successes. There is strength in numbers and knowing that whatever fitness struggles we face - we are not alone. Jessica is the leader that we all throw down for (and yes, even when we do burpees)"